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Breaking up, Getting free and Finding Yourself

Right now there seem to be a lot of people going through really tough relationship breakdowns. For some it is separating from their romantic partner, whilst others are experiencing the breakdown of long standing friendships… And in some cases it is as though everyone in your life is breaking up with you.

Many people, if they are completely honest with themselves, are actually in at least one significant relationship that isn’t really honouring and respecting their true authentic self. This might be the relationship you have with your partner in which you share a house and mortgage but do not actually spend any quality meaningful time with each other anymore. There are so many marriages out there where husband and wife are sleeping in separate rooms, socialising with different groups of people and even going on separate holidays.

Ask yourself, does my partner really truly respect and love me for exactly who I am or do I have to change my behaviour in some way and become someone else when I am around this person? And for that matter, be brutally honest, do you really love and respect your partner for exactly who they are at all times? Or are you only staying in the relationship because being the thought of being single is scary, or you have kids to consider, or you can’t afford to leave or one of a million other reasons for staying in an unsatisfying relationship?

These are really scary and confronting questions.

But they are really, really important ones!!

What is the real reward from taking action?

Being your true, authentic self is a very important part of being happy. How can anyone truly feel happiness if they are living a lie? How can anyone truly be happy if the person closest to them doesn’t truly love and respect them for who they are?

Everyone deserves to be loved for their true, authentic self.

I am not going to lie to you. Breaking up is ALWAYS hard regardless of if you are the one doing the breaking up or the one being broken up with. But it is at times like this when you can grow as a person and heal the emotional baggage and burdens that you have been carrying around your entire life.

A breakup is an opportunity to remember who your true authentic self is and create a life around THAT person!

I have been coaching several clients through this kind of major life-changing event – helping them to cope with the hurt, anger, insecurities – in fact, all of the negative emotions that come up. I then help and support them through the deep inner healing so that they can emerge as a person that they truly are happy to be!

Wow I have an awesome job!!

If you think I can help you through your breakup and process of becoming your authentic self, please do not hesitate to call or text me on 0407 749 025 or message me here! It would be my pleasure!

Please like and share this post, you never know who you might be helping! J

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